Monday, 21st October, 2024
Dancing Colours
Call 07877 547 336

What is Dance Movement Therapy?

Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) is a holistic approach, providing the opportunity for all people access a greater understanding of one's innermost being, by integrating thoughts and feeiings through body movement. Movement enables the freedom of expression and possibility for one to find a preferred way of moving, and therefore, a potential new ‘way of being.

Through the expression of the body we adapt creatively to live in the environment around us. DMT enables clients to make meaning of their movements expressing aspects of themselves which are embodied and may be locked in the physical being beyond words. Using body movement and dance enables clients to make personal statements and communicate what they are thinking and feeling in their own unique way. Focusing on the body can enable a person to fully feel the unfelt parts of the self, connecting emotional awareness and meaning so an individual can make an informed choice to how one wants to expand, continue or change this pattem or ‘way of being’ in their everyday lives.

This form of self-expression, can increase confidence and self-esteem, and by widening ones range of movement, enables people to cope better psychologically, socially and emotionally. In group work, movement can serve as a means to build communication and interaction. Enabling group members to become more aware of themselves and reflect on how they interact with other people verbally and non- verbally.

My Theoretical Stance

This is atherapeutic process-orientated approach, which is based on the therapeutic relationship in the here-and-now (including ‘Intense Interaction’ with learning difficulties), working towards an holistic awareness of mind and body, thought and feeling integration. This relationship is informed by Gestalt Therapy, a humanistic phenomenological-existential approach, and informed by field theory, which believes that both therapist and client are equal and unique effecting each other in the therapeutic interaction. The utility of the dancer’s skill in the therapy setting provides a rich body self-awareness tool to attune with the client and acknowledge the client’s effect on them.

Observations of Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) can be reflected back to raise client awareness of how they relate to themselves, others and the nvironment. (LMA) provides the basis for developmental body movement and psychology. Observations include energy levels, breathing pattems, facial expression, tone of voice, gestures, co-ordination, ritual and rhythmic movements, movement qualities including effort, time, weight, space, shape and posturing. Various psychotherapy models are integrated into this approach, as appropriate to the client’s intra psychic world. These include Object Relations Theory and Transactional Analysis.

Basic Therapeutic Aims

These may vary according to the client or group I To build trust and create a safe therapeutic relationship and stimulating environment for clients to
engage with their expressive potential and access a greater understanding of themselves.

  • To increase confidence, self-esteem, interpersonal skills through expanding one’s range of movement.
  • To further client's personal development through physical body action enabling one to connect on different levels - socially, emotionally and psychologically
  • To enable the connection of body movement with thoughts, feelings, language comprehension and behaviour. Supporting and validating emotional responses whether verbal or physical
  • To create an awareness of how anxiety and stress can affect one physically and teach clients how to support their own body
  • To offer individual autonomy through the impact that a person has on another and the environment, promoting the understanding of one’s own body boundary and sense of self
  • To provide the opportunity for individuals to find their own meaning of intemal and extemal data
  • To enable the client to experience through creativity and spontaneity encompassing other creative expressive arts as appropriate to the therapeutic process


Call now or contact me for further details. Don't put it off any longer.